Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog # 16 - Gilmore Girls, Season 1, Episode 9

Alright, well this scene starts off at Chilton, in line when Tristan goes to buy his ticket. Paris is selling the tickets and Tristan compliments her, making her all nervous, which is defiantly not how she normally acts. Then, Tristan walks over to Rory, who is ready like always, and tries to give him the “cold shoulder”, which doesn’t work because he is very persistent. Rory suggests that Tristan ask Sissy to the dance. The scene then flash forwards to the dance. Tristan is leaning ageist the wall, watching Rory and Dean dance. Sissy comes and the two go off to make-out. Then we see Dean, coming back with the coats, both his and Rory’s, because the two decided to leave. But before Dean gives Rory her coat, Tristan comes up to Dean and tries to start some sort of argument, I think Dean handled it pretty well. So then Rory comes up, wearing the dress her mom made her, and asks Dean if everything is alright. Tristan at one point says “oh yea, we’re just about to build a clubhouse”, I though this was so so funny, and very clever on Tristan’s part. When Dean and Rory were just about to leave, Tristan starts some what of a “fight” but Dean ends it. It doesn’t show it in the clip, but Paris brought he cousin to the dance because she couldn’t get a date. Her “date” tries to get Rory’s number but she declines.

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